Friday, July 27, 2012

More Thoughts about Blogging

As I continued through my course today, I am amazed at how many different things there are to learn about technology in the classroom.  I have now started a chat room, learning community, and today a Wiki!  While they are interesting to do, me being a perfectionist, it would take me a long time to develop a page that I would like to share with others.  However, for my students, I think it would be interesting to read my thoughts of how things go in choir from my perspective!!!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Introductory Post

I am taking an internet course through Loyola Marymount and one of the assignments was to start at blog.  So I decided to start one about Choral Edition.  I am not sure what I will do with it, but hope that it will be something that I can use to post things about Choral Edition and maybe even make it useful to those who visit the site.